Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Well, it has beeen a foodie couple of weeks. When we looked at China, one of the first things we looked at was the food they eat. and what did we discover? One of the main foods in China is rice. We looked at a lot of photos that showed how the fields had been terraced to hold in the water. Did you know that rice needs heaps of water to grow?
We made fried rice at school on Monday. We put some peas, bacon, eggs. soy sauce, chilli sauce and some oil in our fried rice. We used chopsticks to eat the rice.
Kimberley said it was easy using chopsticks.
"It is fun using chopsticks to eat the rice", said Amy.
Sam said, "It was pretty hard using the chopsticks".
Charlie thinks it was easy.
Mrs C saw the stripy cat cleaning up all the rice we spilt on the concrete.
Today we are trying Chinese green tea and some fortune cookies. We will let you know what we think!!!!!!!!!
China is a very big place. It has a lot more people than N Z does.
N Z is MUCH smaller than China.
It is a very busy country.
James' dad is visiting China right now!
WE LOVE THE CHINESE FOOD!! Well most of us did.

Last Friday we joined the Senior School and had a hangi with chicken, pork, mutton, potatoes, pumpkin, kumara and cabbage. Mr Henry and Mr Wilson made the hangi. They dug a big hole, lit a fire in the hole to heat the railway iron and let it burn for 4 hours. Then they put the food in wrapped in wet sacks and covered it up with dirt. The food was steamed and delicious.
Thank you, Mr Henry and Mr Wilson and all your helpers.


The Wilsons said...

Charlie has really enjoyed learning about China. He has told our family some interesting facts he has learnt. Charlie is fascinated by the Great Wall and hopes to walk the whole distance of it, one day.
We have enjoyed hearing about food Charlie has tried. It has sounded like alot of fun.

Tracey Wilson

The Wilsons said...

Charlie has really enjoyed learning about China. He has told our family some interesting facts he has learnt. Charlie is fascinated by the Great Wall and hopes to walk the whole distance of it, one day.
We have enjoyed hearing about food Charlie has tried. It has sounded like alot of fun.

Tracey Wilson

The Wilsons said...

Charlie has really enjoyed learning about China. He has told our family some interesting facts he has learnt. Charlie is fascinated by the Great Wall and hopes to walk the whole distance of it, one day.
We have enjoyed hearing about food Charlie has tried. It has sounded like alot of fun.

Tracey Wilson