Sunday, September 9, 2007

Mrs C.

Wow! What a long trip Oska and his Mum have had to Arkansas. The pancakes were delicious but Oska and Pip are now in the world of real super duper pancakes complete with real maple or corn syrup. I am sure they will enjoy them as much as we did when we made ours.
We have also discovered that the towns and cities in China are very different to ours here in NZ. In one photo we saw a farmer driving along in a cart that was towed behind a rotary hoe, and there are still many people who move around on horses and in carts. In the big cities there are many skyscrapers and families live in homes that are much smaller than ours.

1 comment:

nanna hilton said...

Hi there, I am Joseph Kearns Nanna in England. What a good idea to use this form of letting people know what you do.
Its good to see the children enjoying their lesssons about food.
Joseph took his Popsy and I round the school when we came for a visit in January.
We do hope that we will be able to see more of what goes on in the future. Thats all for now good luck to you all carry on the good work Mrs C. This is the first time I have used the blog.