Friday, August 31, 2007

Mrs C

Well, there has been a great deal of work done with food these last two weeks. It is all part of our writing topic. We have some excellent budding chefs in the class, anyone for jelly, pancakes and toast. Next week we will move onto mousetraps and popcorn. All good healthy food! We have not yet attempted our INSPIRATION as the weekend stories have taken a long time to write.


joseph said...

Glad to hear that there are budding chefs in your class. I know from experience that children really like getting their hands dirty in the kitchen. Joseph enjoys baking buns and cookies. He has also been making toast for his dad on Father's Day. Hope the children keep this up at home.

Oska & Pip said...

Hello Room 3!!!
All your cooking photos look like you've had a lot of fun!
Oska and I are now in Bentonville, Arkansas and are really enjoying being here. We had a VERY big plane trip and we were VERY TIRED when we arrived. It is hot and humid here, we will go swimming tomorrow if it stops raining! Towns and cities in America look very different to New Zealand and we are noticing some other differences in things like food and especially cars! Oska pointed out there are more trucks than cars here and everyone drives on the other side of the road!!! It is quite confusing, but we will adjust to it. We will post some photo's of us soon.
Oska misses you all very much and he hopes everyone is having fun.
Talk to you soon,
Oska and Oska's Mum, Pip.