Monday, July 30, 2007

Mrs C Replies

Mrs Kearns, what is it like in France? Is it hot or cold there?
Mrs Grantham we would love to see some photos from Tanzania.
Miss Sewell tell us something exciting about Paris.
I don't think I would like to eat snails or frogs' legs in Paris Gemma, but I would like to go to the Louvre to see all the famous art works. Do you kinow the name of one of the famous paintings there. It is someone with a smile.
Wbbly Tooth disease has hit Room 3, 11 people have wobbly teeth.

1 comment:

joseph said...

Sorry it took so long for me to reply to this blog, but I couldn't get on the net for Joseph's dad. I haven't been to France for a long time, but when I did go, the weather was hot. In France, they get Summer and Winter just like here, but I don't think it snows too much. Northern France is much like Southern England weatherwise. Joseph's cousins have just been on holiday to Brittany in Northwest France. It rained a lot on their holiday, but they did get some nice days. I will ask for some pictures to show your class.