Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Well, it has beeen a foodie couple of weeks. When we looked at China, one of the first things we looked at was the food they eat. and what did we discover? One of the main foods in China is rice. We looked at a lot of photos that showed how the fields had been terraced to hold in the water. Did you know that rice needs heaps of water to grow?
We made fried rice at school on Monday. We put some peas, bacon, eggs. soy sauce, chilli sauce and some oil in our fried rice. We used chopsticks to eat the rice.
Kimberley said it was easy using chopsticks.
"It is fun using chopsticks to eat the rice", said Amy.
Sam said, "It was pretty hard using the chopsticks".
Charlie thinks it was easy.
Mrs C saw the stripy cat cleaning up all the rice we spilt on the concrete.
Today we are trying Chinese green tea and some fortune cookies. We will let you know what we think!!!!!!!!!
China is a very big place. It has a lot more people than N Z does.
N Z is MUCH smaller than China.
It is a very busy country.
James' dad is visiting China right now!
WE LOVE THE CHINESE FOOD!! Well most of us did.

Last Friday we joined the Senior School and had a hangi with chicken, pork, mutton, potatoes, pumpkin, kumara and cabbage. Mr Henry and Mr Wilson made the hangi. They dug a big hole, lit a fire in the hole to heat the railway iron and let it burn for 4 hours. Then they put the food in wrapped in wet sacks and covered it up with dirt. The food was steamed and delicious.
Thank you, Mr Henry and Mr Wilson and all your helpers.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Mrs C.

Wow! What a long trip Oska and his Mum have had to Arkansas. The pancakes were delicious but Oska and Pip are now in the world of real super duper pancakes complete with real maple or corn syrup. I am sure they will enjoy them as much as we did when we made ours.
We have also discovered that the towns and cities in China are very different to ours here in NZ. In one photo we saw a farmer driving along in a cart that was towed behind a rotary hoe, and there are still many people who move around on horses and in carts. In the big cities there are many skyscrapers and families live in homes that are much smaller than ours.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Incidentally the pancakes were delicious!

Mrs C

Well, there has been a great deal of work done with food these last two weeks. It is all part of our writing topic. We have some excellent budding chefs in the class, anyone for jelly, pancakes and toast. Next week we will move onto mousetraps and popcorn. All good healthy food! We have not yet attempted our INSPIRATION as the weekend stories have taken a long time to write.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


PB likes to play in the stones. PB is 1 year old and likes to come to school in her fur. She likes playing inside with my Barbie dolls and she sleeps in my bed with me. Bye from Sydney.

McFall's Teddy

This is my sisters bear and it is her favourite colour. Vicky got teddy when she was born from Auntie Judy. Teddy is soft and cuddly and I love her too. Bye from Kimberley.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Jack's lamb

Jack's lamb is cute and it sucks his finger. It is 10 days old in this photo.

Jack Sparrow

He is a pirate. He sails a pirate ship.
from Josh

Brown Teddy

This is my teddy. He is soft and warm. He lives under my bed.
from Jacob

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Mrs C.

We have tried the next challenge-Inspiration- and we were quite successful. This time we worked as a class. There are some things we have to adapt and work on. The children were very involved and if you are interested, you can see the hard copy on the whiteboard in the classroom. The next step for our parent helpers will be to have the children doing their individual one.
This time we used the focus from writing, writing instructions, and sequenced the photos with a small amount of text. This will become an example of how to write a recipe for the children during this topic.
Thank you to the parents who have commented on the blog. As you can see we have been successful in inserting the photos.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Our Fantastic Rugby Team!

We had a fantastic rugby team this year! Everyone tried really hard and improved really well. Our team won lots of games. Our hardest team was Diamond Harbour because they had the fastest people.

Charlie Robert Wilson

My Rabbit

My rabbits name is Tiny. He sleeps in the hayshed. Tiny eats grass all day in his hutch outside. I love my rabbit!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Quail Island

Last year I went to Quail Island. I went in a lake. I swam in it. Isaac

School Trip

I like watching the extinct volcano.And the orange stuff in it. Briearnah.

My dog

My dog is a b0xer. My dog is black and br0wn. He is nice to me. Jaye

my guinea pig

I have got a guinea pig and I got it for my birthday. We have got two guinea pigs. Sarah

jacks lamb

My lamb sucks my finger and feed him at night, morning and lunch. My lamb came to school on tuesday. Jack.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Mrs C.

More food and fun in Room 3 today. It was Milo making day. Once again there were some interesting instructions from the children, like "put the Milo in the cup", so the whole packet of Milo went in the cup.
It was a yummy drink with some children having two large cupfuls and then their morning tea!!!!!
The next step for me is to learn how to quickly put the photos on the blog. I have done it once but that was with Jocelyn, our facilitator, sitting on my shoulder .
Another little visitor came today also. It was ginger. It walks on four paws. It has whiskers. It lives in the garage at Sarah's house and is soon going to move into a large hutch. It eats apples, carrots, grass and veges but hates guinea pig food. Look at the photo and tell me what Little Alex is.

All Black's pillowcase

In the weekend I bought an All Black's pillowcase. It is black with a silver fern on it. I like it. I bought it with the money I saved. I earn my money by doing my jobs.

X Box games

In the weekend I played lots of X box games with my Dad. I played Scala, Crashband Acout and a cat game. I won lots of them. It was fun playing games with my Dad. It was fun jumping on the things in the cat game.
from Sam

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Mrs C

I am really thrilled that some children are writing comments on our blog. I have just seen one from Ella.

Mrs C.

We had some fun at school last week. On Wednesday we made toast. It was lots of fun. The children were telling me the instructions to make the toast and I was doing exactly what they told me to do. To start off they forgot to tell me to plug the toaster in !!!!. Well, we finally got the toast made and then everyone was able to make their piece. Some of us had 3 pieces!!!!!!!!!
Next week if all our cyber safety permission forms are returned, I will put some photos on our blog.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My Kitten

I had a kitten called Marky Kitten. I played with him. He got sick and died. I miss him.

Mark King

My Puppy

My puppy jumps up on me. I like it when he jumps up. I run away from him and he chases me. His name is name is Jess.

Emily Skilling

My New Dog

I have a new puppy from the pet shop. I called him Rory. I like playing with him and he plays follow the leader with me. Rory sleeps by my bed. He is white and very cuddly. I love him.

James S

my adventures on the flying

I like flying on the flying fox with my friends. We have so much fun.

One day I got hit by Josh while I was waiting for my turn. It hurt!

Josiah Nimmo

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mrs C Replies

Can you guess who might have the air rifle? Oska's uncle has one and he was learning how to use properly.

My new house

I love the spa bath. I like the bathroom. I like my bedroom. I like my new duchess. I like my new wardrobe. I like my sisters room. I like my brothers room.I like my mums and dads room and I like the concrete. I love the heatpump. I love to play on the dirtmountain. I like to play on my scooter and bike and also in the wet mud and the cats house. I love to colour in my books. Sydney

My new room

I have a new room. I like my new room. Amy


My sister Victoria turned 2 on Saturday, I gave her a pair of shoes with butterflies on them, they were white and pink. Vicky got a big climbing playground that I can play on too. I love Victoria.

My Birthday

I got a princess max for my birthday, a notebook and a big box of pencils. I turned 6 on July the 18th. On my princess max I can play lots of games.

Monday, July 30, 2007


One day I went to Rotorua. I stayed for 3 nights. I went on the trampoline with Talay.
from Isaac

Air rifle

I shot an air rifle at my new house, where there are lots of birds. I shot 3 birds. My brother also has an air rifle.


I went hunting on Smokie on Sunday in the weekend. It was really fun. He is 24 years of age and I share him with Becky, while she finds a new pony.


Porcha is a cat and she is playful. She hops on mums lap and Jessica's and my lap when we don't go to school. Deanna

My Kitten

She is black and white and ginger. And I like playing with her. I like sitting and watching tv with her. Her name is Lily. Briearnah

Mrs C Replies

Mrs Kearns, what is it like in France? Is it hot or cold there?
Mrs Grantham we would love to see some photos from Tanzania.
Miss Sewell tell us something exciting about Paris.
I don't think I would like to eat snails or frogs' legs in Paris Gemma, but I would like to go to the Louvre to see all the famous art works. Do you kinow the name of one of the famous paintings there. It is someone with a smile.
Wbbly Tooth disease has hit Room 3, 11 people have wobbly teeth.

New Blogger

I found it really easy getting a g-mail account, but found it a bit harder getting onto this Blog. Thanks Mrs Cameron for your help.

I really enjoyed helping the children with their Blogs, and look forward to many more.

I would really like to go with James on the Bus to France. I haven't had the pleasure of visiting Paris, but have been to other parts of France in the past. If Joseph was still living in England, he would travel through the Channel Tunnel. I think it would be the Eurostar train from London to Paris.

Look forward to reading many more stories from the children.

Linda Kearns

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mrs Cameron.

Did you enjoy having Mrs Shalfoon in your class today?

I wonder how many people would like to go on the bus with James to the World Cup in Paris. I think it would be great fun to be there.

Who can find Paris, which is in France, on the world globe and on the map?
Clue: Look close to England where Joseph was born.

my toys

I like my pirates toys.

sponsored children

My family are sponsoring 2 children from Ethiopia and Tanzania.

jump jam bus

I'm going to go on the jump jam bus.

the bus

I am going to the rugby world cup.
James M

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mrs C Replies.....

We are lucky to have animals to look at and to love. One day I hope to go to Africa to see the animals in the jungle just like you did Cyrran. What do you feed your rabbit Virginia?
You are lucky to be going to Hanmer Springs Kate. Are you going to go swimming?

My Cat

My cat is one year old. One day it went on the roof. It is Chloe. Cyrran

My Rabbit

My rabbit is called Tiny and he is brown . And he is nice. Virginia

The Zoo

I saw meerkats. There were funny hedgehogs. I got a toy motorbike at the zoo. James


I have a wallet. I love it. I have money in it. I am going to take my wallet to Hanmer. I am going to have fun swimming with my friends. Kate

Monday, July 23, 2007

Mrs C Replies

Dogs are so good to have as pets. I think I would be very lonely if I did not have a dog. My dog is called Bloke and she is a girl. Don't you think this is a funny name for a girl.

My new puppy

I have a puppy. She is brown. Mum came with the puppy and she licked me on the face. Jaye

Dash the Dog

Dash the dog licks me on the face. After school, Dash jumps on me. Sometimes we take Dash for a walk. I love Dash. Jack

More Learning for the Teacher

Today we had another session with our facilitator at the College of Education. This time we were learning about a programme called "Inspiration". This is a programme that has great possibilities for assisting the children with planning and developing ideas, and extending their thinking, even with the very young. I am looking forward to trying it. As you can see I am also experimenting with this tool, the blog!

You Are Invited ........

Thank you everyone for sending in your email adresses. If you are reading this then you have received my email with an invitation to view and comment on the children's writing and contributions.
Each day two of the children in the class will add something to the blog. They will also read and comment on anything that you write. Thank you helping us with this learning in ICT. Mary.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Finding Blogs

Where are you?
The Teddy Bears' Picnic

Monday, June 11, 2007

Some visitors came to Room 3

Some special visitors came to Room 3. Some walked in on two legs. One visitor walked in on four legs.

Can you guess who it was?